오늘 배운 내용 vibe (분위기, 느낌) Have you felt the vibe yet? (분위기 파악은 됐어?) There was a positive vibe in the air. (좋은 분위기였어.) The bar has a nice vibe. (바가 분위기가 좋네.) The coffee shop has a nice vibe. (카페 분위기가 좋네.) I really like the vibe of that song. (그 노래 분위기가 참 좋아.) be in on ~ (~에 관여하고 있다, ~에 대해 알다) he was in on it. (그도 한통속이었어.) They are all in on it together. (게네들 다 한통속이야.) Do you think she is in on it? ..